• JMap.Application.User.addPopupMenuAction

    Adds an action to the JMap User menu (visible in the project selection panel).

    An action must set the "href" OR the "onCLick" parameters, but not both.

    Displaying the action's label in the UI The action's label will be translated by JMap Cloud NG translation engine if a JTranslationItem is passed, otherwise the simple string will be used. (see See JMap.Language.translate and JMap.Language.addBundle for more details on translations)


    • action: JAppUserAction

      : the action to add

    • Optional index: number

      : will insert at a specific index in the menu. Start at 0. If index is not correct insert at the end

    Returns void


    id: "my-unique-id",
    icon: "fas fa-info-circle",
    label: { key: "my.custom.menu.item.translation.key", bundleId: "myTranslationBundleId"}, // label can also be a simple string
    isHelp: true, // if true will be displayed in the JMap help menu
    onClick: () => window.open("https://link-to-my-documentation", "_blanck")
    }, 2)