• JMap.Language.addBundle

    This method lets you add your own translations into JMap Cloud NG translation engine (for instance, all translations needed for one of your extensions)

    Once added, a bundle cannot be overriden, and its identity must be unique (its id). You can specify a default locale for your bundle, in wich case the JMap Cloud NG translation engine will fall back to your bundle's default locale instead of on the system's default locale if a translation is not found in your bundle for the current locale.


    Returns void


    if bundle is invalid or already defined


    // Supported locales can be retrieved by calling JMap.Language.getLocales()

    const bundle = {
    id: "my-custom-bundle-id",
    defaultLocale: "fr",
    translationsByLocale: {
    "fr" : {
    "my-custom-key": "Ceci est ma traduction personnalisée en français"
    "en" : {
    "my-custom-key": "This is my custom translation in English"
    let params = {key: "my-custom-key", bundleId: "my-custom-bundle-id"}
    // "Ceci est ma traduction personnalisée en français"