The div id where to display the mouseover content
A feature selection, the mouseover will be processed only for this features
true if we displayed content in the div, false if no mouseover found for any layer
Error if div doesn't exist in the DOM, or selection format is not good
// Display in the div id="my-custom-div" the content of mouseover for the provided selection
JMap.MouseOver.renderForFeaturesSelection("my-custom-div", {
4: [ // selection for layer 4
{ id: 345, type: "Point", geometry: {...}, properties: [...] },
{ id: 234, type: "Point", geometry: {...}, properties: [...] }
8: [ // selection for layer 8
{ id: 187, type: "Line", geometry: {...}, properties: [...] },
{ id: 98, type: "Line", geometry: {...}, properties: [...] }
From the feature selection you provide, it process the mouseover for it, and render it inside the div of your choice.