• JMap.Application.Print.takeCapture

    Builds a screen capture of the map and launches the download of the file, or returns the screen capture as a data url embeded in a JAppPrintCaptureResult


    • Optional returnAsScreenCaptureResult: boolean

      if true, the method will resolve with a JAppPrintCaptureResult that you can use to embed the image in an HTML page, otherwise the method will resolve with no result

      When passing returnAsScreenCaptureResult = true, The screen capture process will take into account all Print parameters defined in the Print panel, including page format, scale, North arrow, title, sub-title, etc, but with the following limitations:

      • the image format returned will always be PNG
      • If you want the Print panel overlays be present in the screen capture, you must programaticaly switch to the Print panel before calling JMap.Application.Print.takeCapture(true), otherwise only the map will be captured

    Returns Promise<void | JAppPrintCaptureResult>


    // build print image and launch download of the file

    // add an image to a document with the print result
    printCaptureResult => {
    const img = document.createElement("img")
    img.src = printCaptureResult.dataUrl
    img.style.position = "absolute"
    img.width = printCaptureResult.width / 4
    img.height = printCaptureResult.height / 4
    img.style.top = "10px"
    img.style.left = "10px"
    img.style.zIndex = 1000