• JMap.Application.Form.render

    Renders a form with given params in a container.


    • containerId: string

      id of the container where the form will be rendered

    • formParams: JFormParams

      a JFormParams object

    Returns JFormMetaData


    // this example will show you how to create a custom form in an extension
    // it will render the form in the extension panel
    window.JMAP_OPTIONS = {
    application: {
    extensions: [{
    id: "test-form",
    panelTitle: "Test of form component API",
    initFn: () => {},
    onPanelCreation: panelContainerId => {
    document.getElementById(panelContainerId).style.padding = "1rem"
    // create a custom form in the extension panel container
    JMap.Application.Form.render(panelContainerId, {
    id: "search-form",
    schema: {
    properties: {
    name: {
    title: "Office Name",
    type: "string",
    isRequired: true,
    maxLength: 255
    type: {
    title: "Office type",
    type: "number",
    // default: 2,
    enum: [1, 2, 3],
    enumNames: ["Local", "External", "Mixte"]
    uiSchema: [
    type: "Tab",
    controls: [
    id: "name",
    label: "Office name",
    widget: "input",
    scope: "#/properties/name"
    id: "type",
    label: "Office type",
    widget: "select",
    scope: "#/properties/type"
    defaultValueById: { // defaultValueById is optional
    name: "default value",
    type: 2
    validate: (values, formMetaData) => JMap.Form.validateData(formMetaData, JMap.Form.getPreparedData(formMetaData, values)),
    onSubmit: values => {
    // saving your data
    // return a string if an error occurred
    // return a promise, and the form will display a loading button until the promise resolved
    JMap.Application.Message.info(`Submitted values: ${JSON.stringify(values)}`)
    onPanelDestroy: panelContainerId => {