• JMap.Application.Event.Layer.on.doubleClick

    This event is triggered when a user double clicks on a layer name in the hierarchical tree of the layers panel.

    The layer is received as a param property of the event, you can then take any action that would be executed on double click for this layer.


    • listenerId: string

      Your listener id (must be unique)

    • fn: ((params) => void)

      Your listener function

    Returns void


    // Triggered when a user double clicks on a layer name
    JMap.Application.Event.Layer.on.doubleClick("my-layer-double-click-listener", params => {
    const layer = params.layer
    console.info(`The following layer has been double clicked by the current user: "${layer.name}". Its visibility will be toggled`)
    if (!JMap.Layer.isVisible(layer.id)) {
    } else {
    JMap.Layer.setVisible(layer.id, false)