• JMap.Map.Attribution.addSingle

    Add a custom attribution on the map.


    Returns void


    Errors if some parameters are invalid, or if an attribution having the same id already exists


    // Add a link attribution on the map.
    JMap.Map.Attribution.addSingle({ id: "link-test", text: "© HelloWorld", href:"https://k2geospatial.com/jmap-en/"})

    // Add a text attribution on the map
    JMap.Map.Attribution.addSingle({ id: "text-test", text: "© HelloWorld"})

    // Add a image attribution on the map.
    JMap.Map.Attribution.addSingle({id: "test-image",
    imageUrl: "https://k2geospatial.com/wp-content/themes/k2-theme/assets/images/k2-logo.png",
    href: "https://k2geospatial.com/jmap-en/"})