Function openInformationReportInNewTab

  • JMap.Layer.openInformationReportInNewTab

    Open a new tab in order to display the information report for the given layer id and feature ids


    • layerId: JId

      the JMap layer id

    • featureIds: JId[]

      the JMap feature ids

    Returns Promise<string>


    if layerId not valid or layer not found, or layer has no information report set, or featureIds is not an array or empty


    // open a new tab that display the information report of features ids=33 and 44, for layer id=3
    .openInformationReportInNewTab(3, [33, 44])
    .then(() => console.log("Information report opened in new tab"))
    .catch(error => console.error("Cannot open the information report in new tab", error))