• JMap.Layer.Thematic.addThematic

    This method allows you to add a custom thematic on a JMap Cloud layer. This method only works with vector layers that have attributes.

    The JLayerAddThematicParams parameter that you must provide include those properties:

    The id of the thematic that will be created will be the same id than the JLayerUserStyleRule that you provided.

    All objects that you provide that require an id should have a unique uuid v4 id. Many programming languages let you generate such ids.


    Returns Promise<void>


    // this code will add a custom thematic on a project that have a layer named "Neighborhood" with a "nom_qr" attribute.
    const addPolygonThematic = () => {
    // find layer Neighborhood
    const layer = JMap.Layer.getLayers().find(
    l => l.elementType === "POLYGON" && l.attributes.length > 0 && l.name === "Neighborhood"
    if (!layer) {
    const layerAttribute = layer.attributes.find(la => la.name === "nom_qr")
    if (!layerAttribute) {
    const layerId = layer.id
    const styles = []
    const condition1StyleId = "8ae59ba6-0b0b-4a5e-8f8e-5b138bd53767"
    const condition2StyleId = "eeeff29c-352f-4ba6-b354-7d7f7476f1fc"
    const condition3StyleId = "85014948-1071-4257-a2f7-dbf75182fbfb"
    const condition4StyleId = "f111e616-c4a6-497b-aeda-57af63c312b8"
    const condition1Names = ["Anjou", "Beaconsfield", "Beaurivage", "Bois-Francs"]
    const condition2Names = ["Étienne Desmarteaux", "Ville-Émard", "Tétreaultville", "Saint-Sulpice"]
    const condition3Names = ["Westmount", "Saint-Henri", "Pierrefonds-Est", "Sault-au-Récollet"]
    id: condition1StyleId,
    type: "POLYGON",
    borderColor: "#ff0000",
    borderThickness: 4,
    fillColor: "#00ff00"
    id: condition2StyleId,
    type: "POLYGON",
    borderColor: "#00ff00",
    borderThickness: 4,
    fillColor: "#0000ff"
    id: condition3StyleId,
    type: "POLYGON",
    borderColor: "#0000ff",
    borderThickness: 4,
    fillColor: "#ff0000"
    id: condition4StyleId,
    type: "POLYGON",
    borderColor: "#000000",
    borderThickness: 4,
    fillColor: "#ffffff"
    const styleRule = {
    active: true,
    id: "bc23f628-0fea-4e0c-8c23-d39c33ee0be2",
    layerId: String(layer.id),
    name: "Demographic repartition",
    conditions: [
    id: "573bf973-b574-46b5-b852-1bd17aa94c19",
    name: "Less than 50 000 people",
    conditionExpressions: [
    id: "d6b1d717-b936-4b86-9011-6ce28af35237",
    operator: "IN",
    attribute: layerAttribute,
    value: condition1Names
    styleMapScales: [
    id: "a9ba5215-0511-4aa3-a724-6f14f10ab315",
    maximumZoom: 23,
    minimumZoom: 0,
    styleId: condition1StyleId
    id: "a35679fa-860d-47d4-9b1a-24006bdd78be",
    name: "Between 50 000 and 100 000",
    conditionExpressions: [
    id: "66de5d3b-5041-43d2-86b2-2639326ee6f7",
    operator: "IN",
    attribute: layerAttribute,
    value: condition2Names
    styleMapScales: [
    id: "8fb646bb-afee-4a3c-9545-e9716049d307",
    maximumZoom: 23,
    minimumZoom: 0,
    styleId: condition2StyleId
    id: "4bd67df3-1ea3-4f3e-ad4b-1baa75a5cd5f",
    name: "More than 100 000 people",
    conditionExpressions: [
    id: "2ff931ee-fa32-43e6-a3b1-314a806734c0",
    operator: "IN",
    attribute: layerAttribute,
    value: condition3Names
    styleMapScales: [
    id: "d0ad4bf4-f6a7-46f1-866b-74f97a5e7775",
    maximumZoom: 23,
    minimumZoom: 0,
    styleId: condition3StyleId
    id: "25a4e4da-fe14-470d-aac2-37cfa7e367e2",
    name: "Other",
    conditionExpressions: [
    id: "45f491d3-3a7b-4975-9296-7ff6e8516a6d",
    operator: "NOT_IN",
    attribute: layerAttribute,
    value: condition1Names.concat(condition2Names).concat(condition3Names)
    styleMapScales: [
    id: "94331295-86b3-455c-8946-d45f79b8bd21",
    maximumZoom: 23,
    minimumZoom: 0,
    styleId: condition4StyleId
    JMap.Layer.Thematic.addThematic({ layerId, styleRule, styles })
    console.log(`added thematic on layer "${layer.name}", ids = "${layer.id}","${styleRule.id}" `)

    if (JMap.Map.isMapLoaded()) {
    } else {
    JMap.Event.Map.on.mapLoad("my-custom-event-map-load-add-polygon-thematic", () => {