• JMap.Application.Query.processQuery

    Processes the active query form with the given values.

    Throws if no query is active.

    Resolves only if some features are found.

    If features are found, makes the layer selectable and visible if needed, then selects and zooms on found features.

    If no feature is found, the Promise rejects with a human readable error in the current user's locale.


    • values: any

      the form data, depends on the form

    Returns Promise<GeoJSON.Feature[]>


    if no query is active


    // display the current form in a modal window
    $param1: "black",
    $param2: "white"
    .then(features => console.info(`Found ${features.length} feature(s)`, features))
    .catch(error => {
    // pass here if no features are found, or other error
    // thrown error is a readable error using the user locale