• JMap.Application.Measure.setMeasurementSystem

    Sets the measurement system used by the Measurements Panel. This setting is only taken into account when you draw measurements using the Measurements Panel. It does not affect jmapcloud-ng-core methods like JMap.Geometry.getDistance, which always return geodetic values.

    This method should not be called in regular situations.

    Default measurement system is "geodetic", meaning that all measurements are representative of the length or area of features on the surface of the Earth. This is what is normally desired.

    In some rare situations, someone may want to get the length or area of measurements in the map's projection plane (EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator). In this case, they can set the measurement system to "planar".

    Be warned that lengths or areas in planar context are not representative of the real dimensions on the earth's surface. The only supported planar projection for measurements is EPSG:3857.


    Returns void


    // set the current measurement system to "geodetic"