Never change this interface !!! This is the picture of a map-context in version 0 Use for mapcontext migrations

interface JMapContextDataV0 {
    annotations: {
        feature: any;
        id: string;
        type: "circle" | "polygon" | "text" | "line_string" | "point" | "rectangle";
    annotationsTextMarkersProperties: {
        id: string;
        label: string;
        location: LngLatLike;
        shapeType: string;
        textColor: string;
        textRotation: number;
        textSize: number;
        zoomRef: number;
    baseMap: undefined | string;
    extensionData?: {
        [extensionId: string]: any;
    layerElements: {
        id: string | number;
        isGroup: boolean;
        isVisible: boolean;
    mapBearing: number;
    mapCenter: {
        x: number;
        y: number;
    mapPitch: number;
    mapZoom: number;
    measures: {
        area: number;
        centroid: JPoint;
        edges: {
            distance: number;
            popupLocation: JPoint;
        feature: Feature<LineString | Polygon, GeoJsonProperties>;
        id: string;
        radius: number;
        totalEdges: number;
        type: "circle" | "polygon" | "line_string";
    selection: {};
    thumbnail: string;


annotations: {
    feature: any;
    id: string;
    type: "circle" | "polygon" | "text" | "line_string" | "point" | "rectangle";

Type declaration

  • feature: any
  • id: string
  • type: "circle" | "polygon" | "text" | "line_string" | "point" | "rectangle"
annotationsTextMarkersProperties: {
    id: string;
    label: string;
    location: LngLatLike;
    shapeType: string;
    textColor: string;
    textRotation: number;
    textSize: number;
    zoomRef: number;

Type declaration

  • id: string
  • label: string
  • location: LngLatLike
  • shapeType: string
  • textColor: string
  • textRotation: number
  • textSize: number
  • zoomRef: number
baseMap: undefined | string
extensionData?: {
    [extensionId: string]: any;

Type declaration

  • [extensionId: string]: any
layerElements: {
    id: string | number;
    isGroup: boolean;
    isVisible: boolean;

Type declaration

  • id: string | number
  • isGroup: boolean
  • isVisible: boolean
mapBearing: number
mapCenter: {
    x: number;
    y: number;

Type declaration

  • x: number
  • y: number
mapPitch: number
mapZoom: number
measures: {
    area: number;
    centroid: JPoint;
    edges: {
        distance: number;
        popupLocation: JPoint;
    feature: Feature<LineString | Polygon, GeoJsonProperties>;
    id: string;
    radius: number;
    totalEdges: number;
    type: "circle" | "polygon" | "line_string";

Type declaration

  • area: number
  • centroid: JPoint
  • edges: {
        distance: number;
        popupLocation: JPoint;
  • feature: Feature<LineString | Polygon, GeoJsonProperties>
  • id: string
  • radius: number
  • totalEdges: number
  • type: "circle" | "polygon" | "line_string"
selection: {}

Type declaration

    thumbnail: string