• JMap.Map.flashLocation

    Display a pulsing dot on the map to hilite a location, with options

    Flashed feature can be immediatly removed using JMap.Map.clearFlashingLocations


    Returns void


    // define a location in lat-lon coordinates
    const locationToFlash = {x:-74.178, y:46.0455}
    // define options
    const flashOptions = { // Optional.
    dotColor: { // Optional. Default { red: 165, green: 165, blue: 255, alpha: 1 }
    red:100 , // 0-255
    green:100 , // 0-255
    blue:255 , // 0-255
    alpha: 1.0 // 0-1
    haloColor: { // Optional. Default { red: 105, green: 105, blue: 255, alpha: 1 }
    red:0 , // 0-255
    reen:255 , // 0-255
    blue:100 , // 0-255
    alpha: 1 // 0-1
    size: 100, // Optional, in pixels, default 100
    delay: 5000, // Optional, in milliseconds. default no expiration delay (flash indefinitely)
    fitFeatures: true, // Optional, will pan and zoom to display all flashed features. Default: false
    panAndZoomOptions: { // optionnal
    animate: false, // default true
    paddingTop: 120, // default 50
    paddingLeft: 100, // default 50
    paddingRight: 100, // default 50
    paddingBottom: 120, // default 50
    maxZoom: 10 // default the current zoom
