This event is triggered when current active project has been deactived.
When this event is triggered, the project has been deactivated.
Project's data on the map, in the redux state, etc... should not be available anymore.
Your listener id (must be unique for all project events)
Your listener function
This event is triggered when current active project will be deactived.
When this event is triggered, the project is still loaded (the map, the redux state, etc...).
You can do anything normally.
Your listener id (must be unique for all project events)
Your listener function
This event is triggered when a new project is loaded.
Your listener id (must be unique for all project events)
Your listener function
This event is triggered after the entire project list has been fetched from server.
It happens once after the user session has been validated and set.
Your listener id (must be unique for all project events)
Your listener function
Here you have all available project events on which you can attach a listener.