Close the mouseover popup if it's visible on the map, else do nothing.
Returns true if the mouseover popup is visible on the map, else false.
Open the information report related to given layerId in a new tab.
Display information report for all features that are displayed in the mouseover.
Displays a given html content in a popup at a given location on the map
Displays a standard MouseOver popup, based on a selection of features. You can specify an optional location to display the popup on the map, as well as an option to specify if the map shoud pan to the popup's location
A JMouseOverOpenPopupForSelectionParams object
Get the feature selection at the location, and process the mouseover for it, and render it inside the div of your choice.
It's like clicking on the map at a location, but instead of displaying on a popup, you can render it on your own div.
The div id where to display the mouseover content
The location on the map where you want to select features and display mouseover for
true if we displayed content in the div, false if no mouseover found for any layer
From the feature selection you provide, it process the mouseover for it, and render it inside the div of your choice.
The div id where to display the mouseover content
A feature selection, the mouseover will be processed only for this features
true if we displayed content in the div, false if no mouseover found for any layer
JMap provide a mecanism that is called MouseOver.
We can defined from JMap Admin a mouseover for a layer.
The mouseover is written in HTML, enriched with JMap specific function that are interpretated.
When we click on layers that have a mouseover defined, JMap display a popup on the map with the formatted content for each features.
This section provide methods permitting you to customize the mouseover.